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Submissions & position statements

Some of the ways the Federation advocates for its members are:

  • writing submissions to Government and local politicians
  • meeting with relevant Ministers
  • participating in consultations and hearings 

Our latest submissions

June 2024

Submission to Fisheries New Zealand on Fisheries and Conservation Cost Recovery 2024/25 with comments on Proposed Fisheries Research Services

Tuna Management Association NZ Submission to Fisheries New Zealand on cost recovery relief for albacore and skipjack

May 2024

Submission to Fisheries New Zealand/Department of Conservation on the reporting of capture of protected species by recreational fishers

Submission to Biodiversity Heritage and Visitors/Department of Conservation on the Conservation Services Programme Draft Annual Plan 2024/25

Submission to Fisheries New Zealand on management of sea urchins papers 2024/11 and 2024/12

December 2023

Submission to Fisheries New Zealand on the Proposed options for bottom fishing access zones (trawl corridors) in the Hauraki Gulf

November 2023

Submission to the Environment Select Committee on the Hauraki Gulf Marine Protection Bill

August 2023

Submission to Maritime New Zealand on Maritime and Oil Pollution Fund Levies

July 2023

Submission to Fisheries New Zealand on the Review of Sustainability Measures for Fisheries - October 2023 Round

Submission to Fisheries on the SQU6T Operational Plan 2024

Submission to Fisheries New Zealand on the Commercial Landing Exception Review for red cod

Submission to Ministry for Primary Industries on cost recovery levies 2023/24

Submission to Fisheries New Zealand on the draft Fishing Industry Transformation Plan

Submission to the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use (causing woody debris, including forestry slash, and sediment-related damage in Tairāwhiti and Wairoa).


December 2023 - Briefing to the Incoming Minister for Oceans and Fisheries (BIM)

July 2023 - Letter to Mission to Seafarers supporting the establishment of a Seafarer's Memorial in Wellington